Disrupting the Stigma around the Mental Health of Women in Leadership

leadership mental health

Early in my career, I was inspired by a female leader in my industry. Her successes became my aspirations. She was the mom whose kids were well-behaved and excelled in everything, the wife who made time for trips with her husband while still maintaining an organized and beautiful home, the leader who was loved by every employee while driving growth for her organization, the friend who never forgot a birthday or was too busy to be a shoulder to cry on and the motivational speaker who inspired and engaged audiences. 

She was the woman who had it all.  

I began following in her efficient footsteps only to find that the journey was not as effortless as she made it appear. And when I discovered that, despite my commitment, it isn’t possible to be perfect at everything all the time, I was crushed. If she could do it, why couldn’t I?  

Because I may be a superwoman, but I’m also human.  

And so is she. During a heart-to-heart where we bared our authentic selves to each other, she broke down. She shared that successfully managing every facet of such a “perfect” life came at a cost. Her mental health was suffering, and nobody knew. She was silently coping with self-doubt, anxiety, and imposter syndrome. 

She isn’t alone in her struggles. Women can do it all, but that doesn’t mean we should. This is especially true with female leaders. Succeeding in a male-centric world brings additional challenges for us as female leaders because we are expected to prove ourselves, ignore emotions lest we be labeled as “hysterical”, conform to industry norms and deal with feelings of isolation. 

And many of us don’t seek help with the stress this can cause because of the stigma around mental health in women. This is a travesty because our mental health deserves attention. It is the solid foundation upon which a healthy, fulfilled and happy life and career are built. 

So, as I embarked on my journey as a female keynote speaker, matchmaker and leader, I was determined to blaze my own trails. This meant my life and career may not be as perfectly packaged as my role model’s, but that was fine with me if it meant holistic well-being. And as I prioritize my mental health, I discovered that I was able to accomplish things that served me well and let go of those that didn’t.  

I encourage you, as one female leader to another, to be aware of the factors affecting women’s mental health, and to not only seek professional help for mitigating leadership stress but also to demonstrate that mental health support at work is paramount by inviting a mental health keynote speaker to your organization event. 

An expert mental health keynote speaker can offer profound insight and practical tips for creating holistic well-being. Providing mental health support at the workplace will have a profound effect on your team, amplifying your leadership influence and fostering a culture that encourages employees to embrace their true selves.

Exploring Factors Affecting the Mental Health of Women in Leadership

As a professional matchmaker, CEO of LEVELConnections, and mental health keynote speaker, I have intimate knowledge of the challenges female leaders face in today’s world. While we have made significant progress, there is still work to be done. The path to success, which may appear straightforward for men, often becomes more complex for us as women. The immense pressure to conform to traditional leadership expectations in a predominantly male-oriented environment can force us to suppress our true selves.

This pressure takes a toll on women’s mental health and causes leadership stress to emerge as a prominent factor. Balancing the need to prove oneself, combat gender bias, and demonstrate empathy while remaining authentic can be incredibly challenging. Even the most resilient women I have encountered have been overwhelmed by these pressures, leading to eventual burnout.

If the stress doesn’t wear you down, loneliness might. When your peers don’t look or think as you do, it’s practically impossible to feel as if you belong. Without relatable female mentors or the ability to build a supportive network, you may end up feeling lonely and disconnected.  

This can lead to feelings of confusion. You may question your abilities, feel anxiety about making decisions or be pulled in different directions by conflicting demands. When the other female leaders around you are handling the pressure with what might look like ease, it can plant seeds of doubt as you wonder why you aren’t. 

Feelings of stress, loneliness and confusion can scarily spiral into depression. Suppressing essential aspects of yourself, such as your emotions, intuition or collaborative nature, can cause feelings of dissonance and dissatisfaction. I witnessed this with my role model whose efforts to project a perfectly balanced life without the right support were too much to bear.

So what could she have done? And more importantly, what can we do to create a world where female leadership is expected? A culture where we can be our authentic selves, and our unique strengths and perspectives are celebrated, not quashed? A business landscape untethered from the stigma of addressing mental health and how it impacts women’s leadership abilities? 

We must come together to disrupt history and shift the paradigm. When we put our minds to something, women can accomplish anything. Cultivating an environment that embraces and expects transparency, integration and authenticity is well within our grasp.

Success Stories of Females in Leadership Overcoming Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace

I’ve had the privilege of working with extraordinary women who have done just that. They have shattered expectations and persevered to achieve powerful careers while facing significant mental health issues. 

These women remind me how influential women can be, simply by being ourselves.

One of these women was facing mental health issues due to the stress her boss placed on her.  He was a micromanager who ridiculed her daily and never bothered to get to know her or her exceptional abilities. Despite her intelligence, strength, and ability to successfully manage stress in every high-powered position she ever held, the negative impact of the toxic work environment took a toll on her. Recognizing that her health was being affected, she reached out to me for assistance. Together, we explored why it was important to prioritize self-care and create a deeper connection with her demanding boss. After taking multiple mental health days, she was finally able to recharge. With a fresh mindset, she created healthy boundaries, built resilience and transformed her negative relationship with her boss into one that was positive and productive.

Another woman I worked with had successfully achieved her dream job, which came with prestige and excellent pay but not the sense of fulfillment she desired. She would slog through her days feeling like, in her words, a troll, and then spend weekends recovering and preparing for the work week. She realized that this cycle of emotional exhaustion was affecting her mental health and personal relationships. This is where our work together began. After delving into her expectations, needs and desires, I helped her discover that a career that fulfilled her was more aligned with her goals than a massive paycheck. She reframed her priorities and accepted a job that allowed her to give back. She’s never been happier. 

Both of these female leaders needed to deploy emotional curiosity to take charge of their environments and create space for self-awareness and transparent conversations. By gaining deeper insight into their own needs and values and their bosses’ perspectives and concerns, they were able to thrive at work, rather than simply survive. 

It is these remarkable women who acknowledge the factors that impact their mental health and take proactive steps to seek support in managing the stress that comes with leadership. Their courage and determination are what will bring about meaningful change, one organization at a time.

4 Strategies for Mitigating Stress in Female Leadership

My go-to strategies for supporting female leadership, both in life and in the workplace, are based on creating meaningful connections, prioritizing self-care and discovering how to always be your most authentic self. Time and again, I’ve seen my support transform stress into success. So let’s delve into these proven methods that I know will benefit any leader.

1. Create an Inclusive and Supportive Culture

Being immersed in an inclusive and supportive environment is paramount for supporting the mental health of any female. Feeling comfortable being your true self begins with open communication, active listening and empathy. When you feel valued, respected and included, it is easier to let your guard down and freely express yourself.  

In the workplace, supporting mental health in female leadership means creating a culture of psychological safety and support where everyone can openly share their thoughts, emotions and concerns without fear of judgment.  

2. Address Gender Bias and Discrimination

The power of the female is boundless when our abilities are embraced. This means recognizing that women and men process stress differently. Just because women express themselves emotionally, it doesn’t make us any less capable. Rather than viewing this as a weakness, we should empower women and bring awareness to men to openly process stress in the way it works best for us. A woman’s strength lies in her ability to feel emotions deeply, process them effectively, collaborate and connect with others, provide support and lead with empathy. Expecting women to tamp down any of these traits is detrimental to female leadership in the workplace and our impact.

Inviting women to share emotions, stories, goals, concerns and fears will create a world where no piece of ourselves has to be left behind in order to get ahead. By banishing gender bias and instead valuing our innate talents, skills and abilities, we can flourish. The positive impact this will have on our world will be astronomical.

3. Support Networking and Community-Building

Connecting with others is a trait that females have in spades. When honed naturally, it fosters a sense of belonging. It is vital for the mental health of women in leadership to network with others who genuinely understand our lived experiences. From sharing emotions, seeking advice and gaining insight, creating a community of women who see each other deep to our core will bolster each individual’s journey. 

A workplace environment that genuinely embraces and values everything a woman brings to the table cultivates a safe space where everyone can freely be their authentic selves. Let us extend invitations for the expression of emotions, recognize and address challenges, and consistently offer empathy and understanding.

4. Offer Mentorship and Coaching

Just like I gained deeper insight into what it really took for my role model to achieve success, providing access to mentorship and coaching programs offers women the opportunity to learn from what worked, and didn’t, from others in similar positions. Engaging the services of an expert mental health keynote speaker and coach is a powerful way to demonstrate to females in leadership that we are not alone, and that our mental health is paramount. 

As women, we tend to take on too much without stopping to wonder how that affects our well-being. Leadership and mental health are more enmeshed than we realize, and opening up space to share experiences with others who have already persevered will empower women to recognize that no one person, male or female, can be perfect at everything all of the time.  

Support Mental Health in Women Leaders with the Guidance of an Expert Mental Health Keynote Speaker

The stress of being a female in a leadership role is real. When not mitigated, its effects can be devastating. It is imperative that we all do our part to increase awareness of mental health in women, both in the workplace and in life. 

Through my extensive expertise and experience in navigating relationships of all kinds, along with my role as a female keynote speaker, I have the ability to offer valuable guidance that can greatly enhance the impact of any female leader.

Together we can navigate organizational dynamics, hone communication skills and develop meaningful relationships that will contribute to success. I can provide a safe space for open and honest conversations and be a sounding board for ideas, emotions and concerns. Through tailored guidance and strategies, we will build an environment where you feel comfortable being your most authentic self. 

I believe in the power of women. Now let’s create a world where everyone else does, too.