How to Leverage Psychological Safety to Get Loyalty in the Workplace

psychological safety in the workplace

We’ve all had that friend who is loyal to the core. Or, maybe you are that friend. Either way, loyalty that runs deep is impressive and something we could all use more of in our lives. Especially in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, it’s comforting to know that you have at least one person you can count on one hundred percent, even if that person is you

It’s like the difference between mountain climbing and free-basing. 

Now, I love thrills as much as the next person, but the chances of me mountain climbing or free-basing are slim. But if I do, somehow, find myself hanging off the side of a cliff by my fingers and toes, I hope to be able to count on carefully secured ropes to keep me safe. I prefer not to go it alone….in mountain climbing, life or business.

I want to feel safe and know that I have inspired loyalty in others who will have my back. 

Luckily for me and you, these two factors go hand-in-hand. As a matchmaker, business owner and female keynote speaker, I’ve seen loyalty in all its forms and gained deep insight into how creating a psychologically safe connection inspires it. I’ve dug deep to unearth the roots of sustainable relationships where loyalty is a cornerstone. I understand how to nurture a seedling connection with psychological safety until it flourishes into deep and lasting loyalty. 

Significantly for leaders, I recognize how to leverage this knowledge and aid you in building a psychologically safe workplace that cultivates loyalty. Before we dive into these practical strategies for increasing psychological safety in the workplace, let’s explore why doing so should be at the top of your to-do list.

How Psychological Safety in the Workplace Increases Employee Engagement and Loyalty

Cultivating a work environment where psychological safety thrives is like double-checking your safety equipment before mountain climbing. And for those who are into climbing without ropes, well, you get enough of an adrenaline rush on the mountain, no need to drag that feeling into the workplace.  

As a professional matchmaker, I have guided clients in finding their ideal matches and fostering a connection until it grows into a sustainable and meaningful relationship. This can only happen when both people feel free to express themselves, take leaps and share their thoughts and feelings without judgment. Essentially, their safety ropes are strong, freeing them to focus on the breathtaking feeling of being suspended hundreds of feet above the ground without fear of falling.

Feeling safe at work is the same. After all, people are the heart of your organization, and positive work relationships are built on the same tenets as personal ones. Have you ever been in a relationship where your contributions went unnoticed, your shine was diminished or your voice muted? Unhealthy relationships like this leave us stressed, anxious and exhausted — the same way employees feel when leadership doesn’t prioritize psychological safety. 

You hold the weighty responsibility, but also an exciting opportunity, to create a people-first environment where everyone thrives. This approach is important because, just like in a healthy romantic relationship, both parties need and deserve to feel heard, seen, valued and safe. As the relationship grows, so will loyalty.  

When you establish psychological safety in the workplace, it sparks innovation, creativity, collaboration and inspiration. It cultivates a sense of belonging that bolsters self-assurance, productivity and positivity. These are all vital ways to increase employee engagement and fulfillment, which will ultimately drive growth and create long-term success. 

And most importantly, it creates happy employees. 

As a relationship expert who understands the power of positive connections, I have witnessed how psychological safety lays a solid foundation upon which unwavering loyalty is built. This  loyalty results in people giving freely of their time, energy and devotion — in this case, to their work and your organization’s mission. 

6 Effective Employee Retention Strategies to Cultivate Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Earlier, I left you with a cliffhanger. I talked about how we would dive into practical strategies for fostering psychological safety in the workplace. Instead, we veered off course, delving into why building a psychologically safe workplace is essential. There was a reason for that. Before implementing any strategies as a leader, it is crucial to understand what your goals are. Now that we recognize why feeling safe at work is necessary, we can explore how to create a safe work environment where everyone can be their most authentic selves.

Let’s jump into six ways to increase employee engagement and foster loyalty by building positive work relationships and cultivating a psychologically safe workplace.

1. Encourage Open Dialogue

Open dialogue is an essential component of a healthy relationship. In the workplace, if you notice team members hesitating to share their thoughts or worries, that’s a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored….or blamed. Holding back is not their fault. Silence arises when people fear criticism or retribution for simply expressing themselves. 

You can combat this by offering check-in meetings tailored to create a safe space for employees to share their concerns and for you to actively listen and respond with thoughtful action. As you hear what they say, also pay close attention to their body language. Sometimes you can glean more truth from observing their actions than listening to their words. Consider also providing a suggestion box for employees to share concerns anonymously. 

2. Promote Healthy Risk-Taking

So we are back on the face of the cliff, hanging on by the tips of our fingers and toes. Taking that type of risk, even with safety measures, requires confidence. You want your team to display that level of sureness in their abilities. However, if they begin hesitating or second-guessing themselves, it is time to get back on solid ground. Rather than focusing on their next step, your team members may be worried about what could go wrong. This can cause them to freeze up with indecision.  

Pull them back to safety by making it crystal clear that you want and expect them to take calculated risks and share ideas, even if they don’t go as planned. Expressing your positivity and support infuses them with the confidence needed to get back up on the mountain. 

Understanding that their leader has their back is one of the most effective employee engagement and retention strategies you can deploy. So go ahead and applaud examples of courage….it will inspire your team to keep innovating. 

3. Foster Accountability

A blame-oriented environment is a toxic environment. When someone makes a mistake, often they immediately recognize it and work to correct it.  But when that mistake is still held up as an example to other employees of what not to do, any future risk-taking and innovation will quickly be squashed. 

Instead, treat mistakes as an opportunity for growth. 

A workplace culture of learning empowers your team to discuss what went wrong, how to fix it and brainstorm ways to prevent similar mistakes from occurring. When you view mistakes as part of the journey rather than the end of the road, it will inspire your team to do the same. 

4. Build Mutual Trust

Another of the most effective employee engagement and retention strategies and, honestly, simply the right thing to do, is creating an environment of mutual trust. Trust holds a team’s collaboration together. 

When lacking, it hinders information sharing and the ability to work as a team. However, when trust is strong, its power is truly magical. Trust empowers every team member to work in sync toward shared goals, creating a perfect harmony of knowledge, support and unique contributions.

5. Empower Employee Autonomy

We’ve all had or witnessed a micromanager at some point, even if it wasn’t in a professional setting. The constant hovering fosters a sense of self-doubt that can irreparably damage a person’s overall opinion of themselves. When someone is always anxiously looking over your shoulder, it’s like they are telling you, “I don’t think you can handle this on your own.”  

That doesn’t feel good. 

Micromanagement is the polar opposite of an effective employee retention strategy. In fact, it often results in team members packing their bags and leaving the organization. A lack of trust leads to a lack of engagement. Nobody wants to put forth effort that isn’t acknowledged, so they seek greener pastures where their unique talents are appreciated. 

Alternatively, when you demonstrate authentic trust in your team, you let them shine. And as that trust grows, so will loyalty, collaboration and productivity. So go ahead and show micromanagement the door, before it closes forever on your opportunity to build trust.

6. Implement Effective Employee Retention Strategies

Speaking of doors….if you notice yours continually revolving with employees leaving, it could indicate something is amiss with your workplace culture. Today’s workforce is very in tune with their priorities and values, and they refuse to settle for less than they deserve. 

This sense of self-worth is admirable and is a quality you should foster in your team. 

As you implement effective employee retention strategies, ensure they go beyond simply ensuring your team stays. You should also foster an atmosphere of respect and deeper connection. Your team expects, and deserves, to feel heard, understood and valued. Clearly defined employee engagement and retention strategies will significantly contribute to building a psychologically safe workplace where everyone thrives. 

Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Envision hanging onto a sheer cliff, high above the ground. Is your safety guaranteed with ropes and harnesses that have been double and triple-checked? Or are you going it alone with no support, hoping that the weather, your climbing abilities and fate are on your side?  

Whatever level of risk you’re comfortable with on the mountain is up to you. In the workplace, however, your decisions affect employees, customers and the organization’s success.  

When so much is at stake, minimize risk through self-awareness, compassion and connection.  

As you explore how best to create a safe work environment and empathize with your team, it is wise to consider engaging the support of an expert, like a female keynote speaker with profound insight into human nature, who can help you create a workplace where every employee feels like a treasured friend or beloved family member. 

Together, you can climb to incredible new heights.